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Frolic Preschool
43 Products
Hal and the Very Long Race: A Book about Self-Acceptance, Paperback Edition 5-pack
It's the day of the big race and Hal wants to win. After a frustrating start, Hal learns to celebrate how we all grow at our own pace. Includes five copies of the paperback edition.
Rufus and the Scary Storm: A Book about Being Brave, Paperback Edition 5-pack
A scary storm sends Rufus running for cover. Can a prayer help him overcome his fear? Includes five copies of the paperback edition.
Uri and the Busy Day: A Book about Feeling Overwhelmed, Paperback Edition 5-pack
Uri has a fun day ahead and doesn't want to miss anything. Sometimes the fun gets to be too much! Children learn ways to calm down on too-busy days. Includes five copies of the paperback edition.