
Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People

Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People

Twelve time-honored Christian practices that will help us, and the world, to flourish

Practicing Our Faith offers help to Christians who are asking how our faith can help us discern what we might do and who we might become. How can we live faithfully and with integrity in a world where the pace of existence is so fast and life's patterns are changing all around us? Can we conduct our daily lives in ways that help us not just get by but flourish--as individuals, as communities, and as a society in concert with creation and in communion with God?

These questions are on the hearts and minds of many seekers who are exploring spirituality today. They are also at the heart of Practicing Our Faith.

Practices are those shared activities that address fundamental needs of humankind and creation and that, woven together, form a way of life. The twelve practices explored in this book are practices that human beings simply cannot do without, particularly at this time in history.

This book will stimulate your imagination. It will encourage you to reflect. It initiates a conversation that will spread into many contexts, each of which presents unique opportunities for noticing, discussing, and living the practices of faith.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506454733
  • eBook ISBN 9781506454740
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.75 x 8.75
  • Pages 304
  • Publication Date January 1, 2019


Here is a way to live the abundant life that is good news for our neighbors, sweet rest for our souls, and hope for a church too long fragmented by division.

Practicing Our Faith is more than a book; it outlines a movement—God’s movement—that is both as old as Abraham and as new as today’s emerging Christianity. Here is a way to live the abundant life that is good news for our neighbors, sweet rest for our souls, and hope for a church too long fragmented by division. Like the preachers of the last great awakening, I want to shout, ‘Get on board!’

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove | new monastic, author, and speaker

Practicing Our Faith strikes me as a book as wise as grandparents—a good guide to living within our families and communities with integrity and generosity.

Deceptively simple and down-to-earth, these authors provide potent surprises. Dorothy Bass’s observations that ‘slaves cannot take a day off but free people can’ startled me into a new comprehension of the workaholism that permeates American culture. Practicing Our Faith strikes me as a book as wise as grandparents—a good guide to living within our families and communities with integrity and generosity.

Kathleen Norris | author of "The Cloister Walk" and "Acedia and Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life"

Practicing Our Faith includes some of the most insightful Christian voices of our time

Practicing Our Faith is a book written by a remarkable community of people—remarkable not only because it includes some of the most insightful Christian voices of our time but because its members prayed and talked and worked together to create this volume, modeling the way the church is meant to do its work. Practicing Our Faith is a book that should be widely read, and more: it should be put into action.

Parker Palmer | author of "A Hidden Wholeness", "Let Your Life Speak", and "The Courage to Teach"

Table of Contents

1. Times of Yearning, Practices of Faith
2. Honoring the Body
3. Hospitality
4. Household Economics
5. Saying Yes and Saying No
6. Keeping Sabbath
7. Testimony
8. Discernment
9. Shaping Communities
10. Forgiveness
11. Healing
12. Dying Well
13. Singing Our Lives
14. Practicing a Way of Life
15. A Way of Thinking About a Way of Life
The Contributors
Suggestions of Conversation and Reflections
Index of Scripture References