Spark Lectionary / Year B / Fall 2024 / Grades 3-4 / Learner Leaflets
Learner resource for Fall 2021, Year B (11 sessions) The Spark Leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson. ...
Spark All Kids / Year Green / Winter / Grades K-5 / Learner Pack
Learner resource for All Kids Winter Green (13 sessions). Spark leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Spark Worship Bulletins / Year C / Pentecost Summer
Spark Worship Bulletins engage kids during worship with fun activities that connect them to worship practices, lectionary readings, and the people who are worshiping with them. These reproducible bulletins are designed for Pre-Readers and Readers to receive on every Sunday in the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary.
Spark Worship Bulletins / Year C / Pentecost Fall
Spark Worship Bulletins engage kids during worship with fun activities that connect them to worship practices, lectionary readings, and the people who are worshiping with them. These reproducible bulletins are designed for Pre-Readers and Readers to receive on every Sunday in the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary.
Spark Classroom / Year Green / Winter / PreK-K / Learner Leaflets
Learner resource for Winter, Year Green (13 sessions) The Spark Leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas
Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas is a colorful deck of cards describing rituals, prayers and reflections for these busy seasons. Each card features an activity paired with a beautiful illustration
Spark Classroom / Year Green / Spring / Grades 3-4 / Learner Leaflets
Learner resource for Spring, Year Green (13 sessions) The Spark Leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Whirl All Kids / Year Gold / Spring / Grades K-5 / Leader Guide
Whirl All Kids Leader Guides make preparing for and presenting lessons easy and rewarding. They provide everything leaders need to engage kids with the lesson’s Bible story and theme while making the experience relevant and relatable.
Whirl Lectionary / Year C / Winter 2024-2025 / Grades 5-6 / Leader Pack
Easily prepare for your lectionary lessons with the Whirl Lectionary Leader Guide for Year C Winter quarter!
Whirl All Kids / Year Blue / Winter / Grades K-5 / Learner Pack
Whirl All Kids Leaflets help kids process the Bible lesson by accommodating several learning styles.
Holy Moly Bible Storybook / Year 1 / Unit 3 / Sunday School Edition
Holy Moly captures the imagination of kids by bringing the Bible to life.
Spark Classroom / Year Green / Winter / Grades 3-4 / Learner Leaflets
Learner resource for Winter, Year Green (13 sessions) The Spark Leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Spark All Kids / Year Green / Spring / Grades K-5 / Learner Pack
Learner resource for All Kids Spring Green (13 sessions). Spark leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Whirl Lectionary / Year C / Spring 2025 / Grades 3-4 / Leader Pack
Easily prepare for your lectionary lessons with the Whirl Lectionary Leader Guide for Year C Spring quarter!
Spark Classroom / Year Green / Winter / Grades 1-2 / Learner Leaflets
Learner resource for Winter, Year Green (13 sessions) The Spark Leaflets engage kids in activities, games, and puzzles that reinforce each week's lesson.
Spark All Kids Year Orange Fall
Connect Unit 1: Beginnings
From God's creation to life in a broken world, God has a plan.
Holy Moly Year 1 Unit 1: Old Testament
Stories of Abraham, Joseph, David, and more, in 12 lessons.
Spark Lectionary Year B Fall 2024
Stories for the time after Pentecost from the Gospel of Mark.
Whirl All Kids Year Gold Fall
Whirl Classroom Year Gold Fall
The story of God's people, from creation to Jonah.
Spark Classroom Year Orange Fall
From Creation to Jonah, 13 lessons from the Old Testament.
Spark Rotation: Old Testament
Spark Rotation provides eight workshop rotation options for each Bible story: Art, Bible Skills and Games, Computer Lab, Cooking, Creative Drama, Music, Science, and Video.
Operation Restoration
Operation Restoration VBS helps kids & adults discover how they can be menders in God’s world!
Spark All Kids Year Orange Winter
Spark Lectionary Year C Winter 2024-2025
Stories of Jesus for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
Connect Unit 2: The Promise
God's promises for Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and all of us.
Whirl All Kids Year Gold Winter
Holy Moly Year 1 Unit 2: Advent & Christmas
The Annunciation, Mary and Elizabeth, Jesus’ Birth, and The Magi in four lessons.
Whirl Lectionary Year B Fall 2024
Stories for the time after Pentecost.
Spark Classroom Year Orange Winter
The life of Jesus, from his birth to his ministry, in 13 weeks.
Whirl Classroom Year Gold Winter
The story of Jesus' birth, baptism, and ministry.
Spark Rotation: New Testament
Spark Rotation provides eight workshop rotation options for each Bible story: Art, Bible Skills and Games, Computer Lab, Cooking, Creative Drama, Music, Science, and Video.
Spark Lectionary Year C Spring 2025
Stories from the Gospels and Acts for Lent, Easter, and Day of Pentecost, in 15 weeks.
Spark Bibles
Activate faith with Spark Bibles. Spark Story Bible is designed for ages 2 through grade 2. Spark Bible NRSV is perfect for grades 3 through 6.
Spark All Kids Year Orange Spring
Whirl Lectionary Year C Winter 2024-2025
Stories for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
Whirl All Kids Year Gold Spring
Holy Moly Year 1 Unit 3: New Testament
The Good Samaritan, Lazarus, and more from Jesus’ ministry, in 12 weeks.
Connect Unit 3: Freedom
God rescues captive Israel and leads them to the Promised Land.
Spark Classroom Year Orange Spring
Jesus’ ministry, resurrection, and the early church, covered in 14 weeks.
Whirl Classroom Year Gold Spring
The story continues with Jesus' parables and teachings, death, and resurrection, to Pentecost and the early believers.
Whirl Lectionary Year C Spring 2025
Stories for Lent, Easter, and Day of Pentecost.
Spark All Kids Year Orange Summer
Connect Unit 4: Kings & Prophets
God provides kings and prophets to guide Israel.
Whirl Classroom Year Gold Summer
Key stories from Isaiah, Matthew, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Timothy.
Holy Moly Year 1 Unit 4: Holy Week & Easter
The Last Supper to the Resurrection, four stories from Matthew and Luke.
Whirl All Kids Year Gold Summer
Spark Enrichments
From worship bulletins to song CDs, everything you need to enhance your Spark faith formation program.
Spark Classroom Year Green Fall
Old Testament stories of Adam and Eve, Moses, and more, in 14 lessons.
Spark All Kids Year Green Fall
Whirl Classroom Year Blue Fall
The story of God's people, from Adam and Eve to the escape from Egypt to King David.
Whirl Lectionary Year C Summer 2025
Stories for the time after Pentecost.
Connect Unit 5: Conquered
Even when foreign rulers conquer Israel, God stays faithful.
Whirl All Kids Year Blue Fall
Holy Moly Year 1 Unit 5: Post-Resurrection Stories
Thomas believes, Jesus’ breakfast with the disciples, The Great Commission and Jesus’ ascension in 4 lessons.
Spark Classroom Year Green Winter
The birth of the Messiah, his miracles, and parables, covered in 13 weeks.
Spark Rotation Sale
Spark All Kids Year Green Winter
Whirl All Kids Year Blue Winter
Spark Classroom Year Green Spring
Lessons on Christ’s resurrection and the Acts of the Apostles, in 13 weeks.
Connect Unit 6: Jesus: Early Life
The Messiah is born and he has heavenly power and authority.
Holy Moly Year 2 Unit 1: Old Testament
Creation, the Exodus, Esther, Jonah, and more, in 12 weeks.
Whirl Classroom Year Blue Winter
Key stories about Jesus' birth, teachings, and ministry.
Spark All Kids Year Green Spring
Connect Unit 7: Jesus: Ministry
Jesus teaches, forgives, performs miracles—and upsets some people.
Holy Moly Year 2 Unit 2: Advent & Christmas
The Annunciation, Mary and Elizabeth, Jesus’ Birth, and The Magi in four lessons.
Whirl All Kids Year Blue Spring
Whirl Classroom Year Blue Spring
Key stories about Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection, and his early followers.
Spark All Kids Year Green Summer
Whirl Classroom Year Blue Summer
Key stories from Jeremiah, the Gospels, and Paul's letters.
Whirl All Kids Year Blue Summer
Connect Unit 8: Jesus: The Savior
Jesus submits to death—but his resurrection changes everything.
Holy Moly Year 2 Unit 3: New Testament
Jesus’ miracles, Pentecost, and Paul and Silas, in 12 lessons.
Whirl Classroom Bibles
Age-appropriate Whirl Bibles help kids understand what they've read and experience God's Word. Kids learn that the story of God’s people is part of their story today!
Connect Unit 9: The Apostles
Following Jesus brings new life, grace, and the gifts of God.
Holy Moly Year 2 Unit 4: Holy Week & Easter
Gethsemane to the Resurrection, four stories from Matthew, Mark, and John.
Connect Unit 10: The Church
The growing church shares the good news of Jesus and God's love.
Holy Moly Year 2 Unit 5: Early Church Stories
Philip and the Ethiopian, Peter, Lydia, and Paul in 4 lessons.
Whirl Classroom Enrichments
Connect Bibles
Holy Moly and Connect use the Connect Bible (NRSV), which is designed to help kids think about the stories and find their way around in the Bible.
Holy Moly Enrichments
Connect Enrichments
Whirl Lectionary Bibles
Colors and icons in Whirl Bibles help kids navigate the lectionary year. Use the Story Bible with younger kids and the NRSV Bible with grades 3 through 6.
Whirl Lectionary Enrichments
Spark Lectionary
Connect worship and Sunday school with this three-year curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary.
Whirl Lectionary
Connect Sunday school and worship with this three-year curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary.
Spark: Activate Faith
Activate faith with our most comprehensive Sunday school curriculum, available in lectionary, classroom, rotation, and all kids formats.
Sparkhouse in the Summer
Creative, engaging, and fun summer resources including Vacation Bible School and intergenerational events.
Bring kids into the church's life with a fun curriculum that's easy for leaders. Available in lectionary, classroom, and all kids formats.
Spark Classroom
Explore key stories from Genesis to Paul's letters in a two-year cycle.
Whirl Classroom
Explore key Bible stories in this engaging two-year curriculum.
Whirl All Kids
Discover faith with all kids in one classroom from ages five to ten.
Holy Moly
Ignite a biblical imagination that lasts a lifetime with animated videos, creative activities, and age-appropriate Bibles.
Spark Rotation
Introduce kids to 48 Bible stories through art, music, cooking, and more.
Spark All Kids
Explore the salvation story with the opportunities that come with having a multi-age classroom.
Engage tweens in God’s big story with quirky videos, hands-on activities, and Bible exploration.